Jinoyat alomatlari

Jinoyat alomatlari (In Uzbek)

Online in Uzbek
40 min
  • Series Title: Jinoyat alomatlari
  • Released: 17.07.2023
  • Quality:
  • Dubbing: Professional ()

Movie Description
Muto Takashi politsiya tomonidan hal qilinishi qiyin bo'lgan ishlarni hal qilish uchun noqonuniy usullardan foydalanadigan sobiq politsiya tergovchisi. Kaburagi Vataru - politsiya detektivi va Mutoning do'sti va Tamaki Mutoga berilgan maxsus topshiriqlarni o'z zimmasiga oladi. Bu odamlarning hayotini o'rganar ekan, bu dramada qasos to'g'ri yoki noto'g'ri ekanligi haqida gap boradi.

Muto Takashi is a former police detective who uses illegal methods to solve cases which are difficult to handle by the police. Kaburagi Wataru is a police detective and Muto's buddy, and Tamaki takes charge of the special missions given to Muto. While exploring the lives of these men, the topic of whether revenge is right or wrong is discussed in this drama.