Kichkintoy Kyu

Watch "Kichkintoy Kyu" Movie Online for Free

Online in Uzbek
1 Hour. 48 min.
  • Movie Title: Kichkintoy Kyu
  • Released: 16.11.2022
  • Quality: SD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
Kichkina Q - ko'zi ojizlar uchun yo'l-yo'riq bo'lishni o'rgatuvchi intiluvchan it. Tez orada Little Q ko'rish qobiliyatini yo'qotayotgan taniqli qandolatchi oshpaz Bo-ting bilan hamkorlik qiladi. Ammo Bo-ting asabiy va istaksiz, doimo atrofidagilarga jahlini yo'qotadi va Kichik Q-ni rad etadi. Oxir-oqibat, it va egasi rishtalari, Kichkina Q o'zining sodiqligi bilan Bo-ting ustidan g'alaba qozonadi. Biroq, Little Q yoshi ulg'aygan va Bo-tingning sog'lig'i yomonlashgani sababli, ikkalasi istamagan holda ajralishga duch kelishadi ...

Little Q is an aspiring guide dog, training to be a guide for the blind. Soon Little Q is partnered with Bo-ting, a renowned pastry chef who’s losing his sight. But Bo-ting is irritable and reluctant, constantly losing his temper at those around him and rejecting Little Q. Eventually, dog and owner bond as Little Q wins Bo-ting over with its unwavering loyalty. However, as Little Q gets older and Bo-ting’s health suffers, the two of them face an unwilling separation...

Roles of actors:
1) Simon Yam (Li Bao Ting)
2) Gigi Leung (Li Bao'er)
3) Him Law (Simon)
4) Charlie Yeung (Chen Kang Yan'er)
5) Roger Kwok (陳啟)
6) Frankie Lam (盧永安)
7) Pudding (小Q)
8) JJ Jia (Fiona)

People who worked on the film:
1) David M. Richardson (Editor)
2) Chi Ying Chan (Director of Photography)
3) Susan Chan (Writer)
4) Law Wing-cheong (Director)
5) Lowell Lo (Songs)
6) Alex Pao Wai-chung (Writer)