Watch "Professor va qotil arvoh" Movie Online for Free
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- Movie Title: Professor va qotil arvoh
- Released: 15.03.2023
- Quality: FullHD
- Dubbing: Professional (PRO)
Movie Description
Professor va qotil arvoh Uzbek tilida O'zbekcha 2023 tarjima kino Full HD skachat - Turli mamlakatlar politsiyasi marosimlarga o'xshash bir qator sirli va shafqatsiz qotilliklarga duch keladi. Tergovlar har doim to'xtab qoladi, chunki qotil jinoyat joyidan sharpa kabi g'oyib bo'ladi. Ishga kirishgan detektiv Boyd universitet professori Maklz bilan uchrashadi, u qorong'u kuchlardan yordam olish uchun inson qurbonlik qiladigan qadimiy sehrli kultlarni o'rganadi. Endi professor qotillar psixologiyasining chuqurligiga kirib, shafqatsiz jinoyatlar ortidagi sirni ochishi kerak bo'ladi.
Полиции разных стран сталкиваются с серией загадочных и жестоких убийств, похожих на ритуальные. Расследования неизменно заходят в тупик, поскольку убийца исчезает с места преступления, словно призрак. Взявшись за дело, детектив Бойд знакомится с университетским профессором Мэклзом, изучающим древние магические культы, в которых для получения поддержки тёмных сил практикуются человеческие жертвоприношения. Теперь профессору предстоит окунуться в глубины психологии убийц и раскрыть тайну, стоящую за жестокими преступлениями.
Roles of actors:
1) Morgan Freeman (Dr. Mackles)
2) Cole Hauser (Detective Lucas Boyd)
3) Vernon Davis (Randoku)
4) Peter Stormare (Captain Marchand)
5) Giuseppe Zeno (Inspector Mario Lavazzi)
6) Murielle Hilaire (Detective Kersch)
7) Luke Stratte-McClure (Detective Claussen)
8) Brian Kurlander (Shelby Farner)
9) Julie Lott (Doctor Mannheim)
10) Destiny Loren (Katie Franklin)
11) Virginia Dru Bramblett (Jesse Boyd)
12) Paul Sampson (Officer Pete Willen)
13) Ron Goleman (Preston)
14) Lara Pictet (Officer Cooper)
15) Giuseppe Zeno (Lavazzi)
People who worked on the film:
1) Andrzej Sekula (Director of Photography)
2) George Gallo (Director)
3) Donald Paul Pemrick (Casting)
4) Dean E. Fronk (Casting)
5) Yvan Gauthier (Editor)
6) David E. Ornston (Executive Producer)
7) Richard Salvatore (Executive Producer)
8) Joe Lemmon (Production Design)
9) Joe Lemmon (Producer)
10) Joe Lemmon (Story)
11) Jeff Bowler (Producer)
12) Andrea Iervolino (Producer)
13) Bob Bowersox (Screenplay)
14) Lenka Padysakova (Costume Designer)
15) Aldo Shllaku (Music Producer)
16) Nate Adams (Executive Producer)
17) Ferdinando Dell'Omo (Screenplay)
18) Monika Bacardi (Producer)
19) Giorgia Iannone De Sousa (Screenplay)
20) Giorgia Iannone De Sousa (Story)
21) Francesco Cinquemani (Screenplay)
22) Francesco Cinquemani (Story)
23) Markos Keyto (Production Design)
24) Luca Matrundola (Executive Producer)
25) Nat McCormick (Executive Producer)
26) Danielle Maloni (Producer)
27) Jennifer Lemmon (Screenplay)
28) Bret Saxon (Producer)
29) Tom Russbueldt (Original Music Composer)
30) Luca Giliberto (Screenplay)
31) Giovanna Trischitta (Executive Producer)
32) Galen Smith (Executive Producer)
33) Francesco Cotone (Production Design)
34) Marc Danon (Executive Producer)
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