So'nggi Safar

Watch "So'nggi Safar" Movie Online for Free

Online in Uzbek
1 Hour. 41 min.
  • Movie Title: So'nggi Safar
  • Released: 10.04.2022
  • Quality: SD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
Film kantri musiqasi ikonasi Hank Uilyams hayotining so'nggi kunlari haqida hikoya qiladi.

Фильм рассказывает о последних днях жизни иконы кантри музыки — Хэнка Уильмса.

Roles of actors:
1) Hugo Weaving (Kev)
2) Tom Russell (Chook)
3) Anita Hegh (Maryanne)
4) John Brumpton (Max)
5) Kelton Pell (Ranger Lyall)
6) Sonya Suares (Zareena Khan)
7) Adam Morgan (Man in Roadhouse)
8) Chrissie Page (Storekeeper)
9) Mick Coulthard (Uncle Mick)
10) Loren Taylor (Girl in Pub)

People who worked on the film:
1) Paul Charlier (Original Music Composer)
2) Jodie Fried (Costume Design)
3) Greig Fraser (Director of Photography)
4) Glendyn Ivin (Director)
5) Antonia Barnard (Producer)
6) Mac Gudgeon (Screenplay)
7) Jack Hutchings (Editor)
8) Fiona Dann (Casting)
9) Josephine Ford (Production Design)
10) Mason Curtis (Associate Producer)
11) Nick Cole (Producer)
12) Ricci Swart (Executive Producer)
13) Jane Liscombe (Associate Producer)
14) Anthony Maras (Associate Producer)
15) Denise Young (Novel)