  • Movie Title: Qor Fransiya
  • Released: 14.10.2023
  • Quality: HD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
Qor Fransiya filmi Uzbek tilida O'zbekcha 2022 tarjima kino Full HD skachat - Chamonix viloyatining bir nechta taniqli shaxslari o'z uylarida o'ldirilgan holda topilgan. Tergovni davom ettirish uchun politsiya kapitani Tomas Delhaye xuddi shunday g'alati ish uchun qamoqqa olingan Juliette Xemonni qamoqdan ozod qilishga qaror qiladi ...
Several notables from the Chamonix region are found murdered in their homes. To move forward with investigation, police captain Thomas Delhaye decides to release Juliette Hémon from prison, imprisoned for a strangely similar case...

Roles of actors:
1) Frédéric Diefenthal (Thomas Delhaye)
2) Murielle Huet des Aunay (Juliette Hémon)
3) Louis Bernard (Hugo Czarlewski)
4) Etienne Diallo (Yacine)
5) Marie Bouvet (Eva)
6) Esther Gaumont (Raphaëlle)
7) Fanny Guidecoq (Maud)
8) Franck Adrien (Médecin ORL)
9) Véronique Kapoyan (Michèle Bussy)
10) Karine Martin-Prével (Juge)
11) Marianne Pommier (Psychologue)
12) Pierre Desmaret (Gardien d'immeuble)
13) Camille Durand (Céline)
14) Gary Fossier-Rena (Serveur)
15) Gérald Robert-Tissot (Préfet)

People who worked on the film:
1) Christine De Jekel (Executive Producer)
2) Marc Missonnier (Producer)
3) Olivier Le Vacon (Sound Engineer)
4) Philippe Piffeteau (Director of Photography)
5) Laurent Tuel (Director)
6) Quoc Dang Tran (Writer)
7) Christophe Moulin (Casting Director)
8) Philippe Deshaies (Music)
9) Christine de Bourbon Busset (Producer)
10) Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat (Writer)
11) Nathalie Alquier (Script Supervisor)
12) Christophe Grandière (Production Director)
13) Alain Corno (First Assistant Director)