Ota merosi / Otamning puli / Bobomning puli

Watch "Ota merosi / Otamning puli / Bobomning puli" Movie Online for Free

Online in Uzbek
1 Hour. 56 min.
  • Movie Title: Ota merosi / Otamning puli / Bobomning puli
  • Released: 03.04.2024
  • Quality: SD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
A group of siblings that share nothing but a father come together after the patriarch's death to compete for his fortune. He left a save for his children, but took the password to the grave with him.

Roles of actors:
1) Murat Cemcir (Niyazi)
2) Ahmet Kural (Selim)
3) Devrim Yakut (Yakut)
4) Rasim Öztekin (Saffet)
5) Yağmur Tanrisevsin (Tülin)
6) Özgür Emre Yıldırım (Erdal)
7) Ayhan Taş (İmam)
8) Deniz Barut (Avukat Aslı)
9) Gönül Ürer (Mezarlıktaki Yaşlı Teyze)
10) Giray Altınok (Bekçi)
11) Caner Nalbantoğlu (Yakışıklı Erdal)

People who worked on the film:
1) Selçuk Aydemir (Director)