Hayot tumori

Watch "Hayot tumori" Movie Online for Free

Online in Uzbek
IMDb: 6.3
1 Hour. 54 min.
  • Movie Title: Hayot tumori
  • Released: 07.09.2024
  • Quality: SD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
Hayot tumori - Xitoy elchisi Gobi cho'liga dindan qaytgan askarni qatl qilish uchun yuboriladi. Buddist rohibni va qimmatbaho xazinani olib ketayotgan karvonga o'g'rilar tahdid solsa, ikki jangchi sayohatchilarni himoya qilish uchun birlashishi mumkin.

Roles of actors:
1) Jiang Wen (Lieutenant Li)
2) Kiichi Nakai (Lai Qi)
3) 王學圻 (Master An)
4) Zhao Wei (Wen Zhu)
5) Bagen Hasi (Cao Jin)
6) Tao Ho (Ma Gun)
7) Linian Lu (Wu Lao'Er)
8) 王德順 (Old Diehard)
9) 李海濱 (Zao Zimo)
10) Yeerjiang Mahepushen (Master An's Servant)
11) Chuangao Hou (Guard)
12) Zhou Yun (Jue Hui)
13) 李伟 (Di Hu)
14) Yuming Du (Rider A)
15) Harrison Liu ()

People who worked on the film:
1) He Ping (Director)
2) He Ping (Writer)
3) Rui Zhang (Writer)
4) 王中军 (Producer)
5) Yan Yiyun (Producer)
6) Jia Fu (Producer)
7) Yi Wang (Producer)
8) Zhongliang Wang (Producer)
9) Yan Sun (Producer)
10) Song Bai (Executive Producer)
11) Kuo-Fu Chen (Executive Producer)
12) 王中磊 (Executive Producer)
13) Huaiqiang Zhang (Line Producer)
14) Kong Jinglei (Editor)
15) Jie Teng (Production Design)
16) Gang Yang (Production Design)
17) A.R. Rahman (Original Music Composer)
18) Zhao Fei (Director of Photography)