  • Movie Title: Oq to'fon 3
  • Released: 13.09.2024
  • Quality: HD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
Oq to'fon 3 - Gonkong politsiyasi agenti Cheung (Aaron Kvok tomonidan) Kangning (Shon Lau tomonidan) giyohvand kartelida yashirin ishlaydi, boshqa maxfiy politsiyachi Au (Luis Koo tomonidan) voqeada ularning ishonchini muvaffaqiyatli qozonadi, uch kishi o'rtasida birodarlik rishtalari o'rnatiladi. Politsiya Gonkongdagi sindikatni yo'q qilgandan so'ng, Kang "Oltin uchburchak"da yashirinadi va tasodifan u ishonch doirasidagi xiyonat haqida xabar oladi ...

Roles of actors:
1) Aaron Kwok (Cheung Kin Heng / Billy)
2) 古天樂 (Au Chi Yuen / Mak Chun Wing)
3) 劉青雲 (Suchat)
4) 楊采鈺 (Noon)
5) 羅家良 (The Commander)
6) 謝君豪 (Mee Noi)
7) 方中信 (Chief Superintendent of Police, Chan)
8) 陳國邦 (Su Ziliang)
9) 洪天明 (Johnny)
10) 劉浩龍 (Junior)
11) Lam Suet (Brother Big)
12) Kumer So (Punky)
13) James Kazama (Curry)
14) Ben Yuen Foo-Wah (Doctor)
15) Pang Wai-On (Speedy)
16) 張松枝 (Goofy)
17) Edward Chui Wai-Tung (James)
18) Bowie Chan Wing Wai (Suchat's Man)
19) Jacky Lo (Suchat's Man)
20) Singh Hartihan Bitto (Disco Goer)
21) 袁志健 ()
22) 林國傑 ()

People who worked on the film:
1) Wang Taotao (Executive Producer)
2) Alex Dong (Co-Producer)
3) Kevin Tse (Line Producer)
4) Alvin Lam (Producer)
5) 邱禮濤 (Director)
6) 邱禮濤 (Writer)