Watch "Adam loyihasi" Movie Online for Free
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- Movie Title: Adam loyihasi
- Released: 05.07.2022
- Quality: HD
- Dubbing: Professional (PRO)
Movie Description
12 yoshli Adam Rid bir yil avval vafot etgan otasi uchun hamon qayg‘urmoqda. Bir kuni u o'z garajiga kiradi va u erda jarohatlangan uchuvchini topadi, u kelajakdagi Odamning o'zi bo'lib chiqadi. Voyaga etgan Adam o'zining kichik o'ziga kelajakda vaqt ichida sayohat qilish imkoniyati endi paydo bo'lganini va endi u otasini qutqarish uchun o'tmishga qaytishga harakat qilayotganini aytadi. Qahramonlar qiyin vazifani bajarish va o'z dunyosini saqlab qolish uchun kuchlarini birlashtirishi kerak.
12-летний Адам Рид все еще скорбит по своему отцу, который умер год назад. Однажды он заходит в свой гараж и обнаруживает там раненого пилота, который оказывается самим Адамом из будущего. Взрослый Адам рассказывает маленькому себе о том, что в будущем только-только появилась возможность путешествовать во времени и теперь он пытается вернуться в прошлое, чтобы спасти отца. Герои должны объединить усилия, чтобы выполнить непростую миссию и спасти свой мир.
Roles of actors:
1) Ryan Reynolds (Adam Reed)
2) Walker Scobell (Young Adam)
3) Mark Ruffalo (Louis Reed)
4) Jennifer Garner (Ellie Reed)
5) Zoe Saldana (Laura)
6) Catherine Keener (Maya Sorian)
7) Alex Mallari Jr. (Christos)
8) Braxton Bjerken (Ray Dollarhyde)
9) Kasra Wong (Chuck)
10) Lucie Guest (Young Sorian Body Double)
11) Donald Sales (Paul the Bartender)
12) Esther Ming Li (Sophie)
13) Ben Wilkinson (Derek)
14) Milo Shandel (Professor)
15) Isaiah Haegert (8-year-old Adam)
People who worked on the film:
1) Josh McLaglen (Executive Producer)
2) Tobias A. Schliessler (Director of Photography)
3) Shawn Levy (Director)
4) Shawn Levy (Producer)
5) Claude Paré (Production Design)
6) Ryan Reynolds (Producer)
7) Helen Jarvis (Supervising Art Director)
8) Elizabeth Wilcox (Set Decoration)
9) Dana Goldberg (Producer)
10) Carmen Cuba (Casting)
11) Dean Zimmerman (Editor)
12) Don Granger (Producer)
13) Mary McLaglen (Executive Producer)
14) David Ellison (Producer)
15) Jennifer Flackett (Screenplay)
16) Jennifer Flackett (Executive Producer)
17) Mark Levin (Screenplay)
18) Mark Levin (Executive Producer)
19) Chris Beach (Art Direction)
20) Jon Corn (Editor)
21) Jenny Eagan (Costume Design)
22) Rob Simonsen (Original Music Composer)
23) Vivian Baker (Makeup Artist)
24) Anji Bemben (Hair Department Head)
25) Daniel S. Levine (Executive Producer)
26) T.S. Nowlin (Screenplay)
27) Jonathan Tropper (Writer)
28) Craig Henighan (Supervising Sound Editor)
29) Craig Henighan (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
30) Mark Paterson (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
31) Angelo Palazzo (Sound Designer)
32) William Groebe (Storyboard Artist)
33) Andre Brouwer (Costume Supervisor)
34) Nick Dudar (Assistant Art Director)
35) Blaine Lougheed (Visual Effects Supervisor)
36) John Dale (Construction Coordinator)
37) Alex Ongaro (Visual Effects Supervisor)
38) Dan Cohen (Executive Producer)
39) Andrew Lee McConnell (Assistant Art Director)
40) Scott Balkcom (VFX Artist)
41) Mike Duffy (Visual Effects Producer)
42) Alexander Seaman (Visual Effects Supervisor)
43) Katharina Brand (Set Dresser)
44) Craig Humphries (Art Direction)
45) Carmen Tse (Assistant Makeup Artist)
46) Michael T. Marlett (VFX Editor)
47) Janice Swayze (Costume Supervisor)
48) Andrea Brown (Extras Casting)
49) Alex Kyshkovych (Stunt Coordinator)
50) Alex Kyshkovych (Stunt Double)
51) George Dewey (Executive Producer)
52) Jonathan Alan Abbott (Set Designer)
53) Alexandros Isidorou (Other)
54) Tom Katinic (Picture Car Coordinator)
55) Patrick Gooing (Executive Producer)
56) Eli Best (Art Direction)
57) Ange Turchet (Compositing Artist)
58) Alexander T.H. Browne (Visual Effects)
59) Nick Nocera (Art Direction)
60) Osama Gharib (Graphic Designer)
61) Mike Mitchell (Stunt Coordinator)
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