Watch "Qafasdagi yo'lbars" Movie Online for Free
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- Movie Title: Qafasdagi yo'lbars
- Released: 08.07.2022
- Quality: HD
- Dubbing: Professional (PRO)
Movie Description
Bir kuni 12 yoshli Rob Xorton o'rmon bo'ylab ketayotib, bengal yo'lbarsi bilan temir qafasga duch keladi. Yo'lbars bolaning eng katta siriga aylanadi. Va dunyoda faqat bitta odam, yangi sinfdoshi Sistine, u o'z sirini ochadi. Bolalar yirtqich hayvonni qafasdan chiqarishga qaror qilishadi.
Однажды 12-летний Роб Хортон, гуляя по лесу, набредает на железную клетку с бенгальским тигром. Тигр становится самой большой тайной мальчика. И только одному человеку на свете, новенькой однокласснице Сикстине, он открывает свой секрет. Дети решают выпустить зверя из клетки.
Roles of actors:
1) Dennis Quaid (Beauchamp)
2) Katharine McPhee (Caroline Horton)
3) Queen Latifah (Willie May)
4) Sam Trammell (Robert Horton Sr.)
5) Christian Convery (Rob Horton)
6) Madalen Mills (Sistine Bailey)
7) Angela Giarratana (Miss Mills)
8) Faith Dillon (Mrs. Soames)
9) Nicholas Ryan Hernandez (Billy Threemonger)
10) Selah Kimbro Jones (Young Willie May)
11) Jayden Fontaine (Norton Threemonger)
12) Sarah Rad (Big Girl #1)
13) Wayne Hughes (Doctor)
14) Eden Luse (Big Girl #2)
People who worked on the film:
1) Michael Shaw (Production Design)
2) Queen Latifah (Executive Producer)
3) Shane F. Kelly (Director of Photography)
4) Don Harper (Original Music Composer)
5) Tommy Emmanuel (Original Music Composer)
6) Kate DiCamillo (Book)
7) Deborah Giarratana (Producer)
8) Christopher Gay (Editor)
9) John Latenser V (Associate Producer)
10) Kaylene Carlson (Line Producer)
11) Micheal Flaherty (Co-Executive Producer)
12) Lauren Crawford (Set Decoration)
13) Jason Sullivan (Boom Operator)
14) Christopher Mills (Sound Mixer)
15) Roger Goff (Executive Producer)
16) Ryan Winterstern (Executive Producer)
17) Allen Cheney (Co-Producer)
18) Ryan Donnell Smith (Producer)
19) Ray Giarratana (Screenplay)
20) Ray Giarratana (Director)
21) Landon Gorman (Executive Producer)
22) Amy Boland Hauser (Associate Producer)
23) Emily Hunter Salveson (Executive Producer)
24) Jordan Wagner (Executive Producer)
25) Joseph Nadeau (Art Direction)
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