Watch "G'aroyib odamlar 1 / X-men 1" Movie Online for Free
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- Movie Title: G'aroyib odamlar 1 / X-men 1
- Released: 22.07.2022
- Quality: HD
- Dubbing: Professional (PRO)
Movie Description
Dunyoga mashhur telepat professor Charlz Xaver (Patrik Styuart) rahbarligida iqtidorli talabalar insoniyat manfaatlari yo‘lida o‘zlarining ajoyib qobiliyatlarini nazorat qilish va boshqarishni o‘rgandilar. Ammo hamma mutantlar ham professorning fikriga qo‘shilavermaydi: kuchli mutant Magneto (Ian McKellen), barcha metallar nazorati ostida bo‘lgan magnetizm ustasi hamfikrlar jamoasini yig‘di. U odamlar va mutantlar hech qachon tinch-totuv yashay olishiga ishonmaydi va dunyo ustidan hokimiyatni egallash rejasini ishlab chiqdi. Va faqat professor Xaverning shogirdlari bu dunyoni himoya qila oladilar ...
Под руководством профессора Чарльза Ксавьера (Патрик Стюарт), телепата с мировым именем, одаренные ученики научились контролировать и управлять своими удивительными способностями в интересах человечества. Но не все мутанты разделяют взгляды профессора: могущественный мутант Магнето (Иэн Маккеллен), мастер магнетизма, которому подвластно управление всеми металлами, собрал команду единомышленников. Он не верит, что люди и мутанты когда - либо смогут мирно сосуществовать, и разработал план по захвату власти над миром. И только ученики профессора Ксавьера смогут защитить этот мир...
Roles of actors:
1) Patrick Stewart (Charles Xavier / Professor X)
2) Hugh Jackman (Logan / Wolverine)
3) Ian McKellen (Eric Lehnsherr / Magneto)
4) Anna Paquin (Anna Marie / Rogue)
5) Halle Berry (Ororo Munroe / Storm)
6) Famke Janssen (Jean Grey)
7) James Marsden (Scott Summers / Cyclops)
8) Bruce Davison (Senator Kelly)
9) Rebecca Romijn (Raven Darkholme / Mystique)
10) Ray Park (Mortimer Toynbee / Toad)
11) Tyler Mane (Victor Creed / Sabretooth)
12) Shawn Ashmore (Bobby Drake / Iceman)
13) Matthew Sharp (Henry Gyrich)
14) Brett Morris (Young Magneto)
15) Rhona Shekter (Magneto's Mother)
16) Kenneth McGregor (Magneto's Father)
17) Shawn Roberts (Rogue's Boyfriend)
18) Donna Goodhand (Rogue's Mother)
19) John Nelles (Rogue's Father)
20) George Buza (Trucker)
21) Darren McGuire (Contender)
22) Carson Manning (Waterboy #1)
23) Scott Leva (Waterboy #2)
24) Aron Tager (Emcee)
25) Kevin Rushton (Stu)
26) Doug Lennox (Bartender)
27) David Nichols (Newscaster #1)
29) Sumela Kay (Katherine "Kitty" Pryde / Shadowcat)
30) Katrina Florece (Jubilation Lee / Jubilee)
31) Alex Burton (John Allerdyce / Pyro)
32) Quinn Wright (Lily Pond Kid)
33) Daniel Magder (Boy on Raft)
34) Matt Weinberg (Tommy)
35) Madison Lanc (Tommy's Sister)
37) Marsha Graham (Newscaster #2)
38) Amy Leland (Cerebro)
40) David Brown (Lead Cop)
43) Todd Dulmage (Coast Guard)
44) Dan Duran (Newscaster #3)
45) Elias Zarou (U.N. Secretary General)
46) David Black (President)
47) Robert R. Snow (Secret Service)
48) David Hayter (Museum Cop)
49) Cecil Phillips (Security Guard)
50) Dave Allen Clark (Newscaster #4)
52) Ilke Hincer (Translator)
53) Ron Sham (Translator)
54) Jay Yoo (Translator)
55) Grigori Miakouchkine (Translator)
56) Eleanore Comes (Translator)
57) Giuseppe Gallaccio (Translator)
58) Rupinder Brar (Translator)
59) Abi Ganem (Translator)
60) Joey Purpura (German Soldier)
61) Manuel Verge (German Soldier)
62) Wolfgang Müller (German Soldier)
63) Ralph Zuljan (German Soldier)
64) Andy Grote (German Soldier)
People who worked on the film:
1) Ke Huy Quan (Translator)
2) Ralph Winter (Producer)
3) Steven Rosenblum (Editor)
4) Bob Ringwood (Costume Consultant)
5) Roger Mussenden (Casting)
6) Christopher Allen Nelson (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
7) Richard Donner (Executive Producer)
8) Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer)
9) Steve Boeddeker (Sound Designer)
10) Stan Lee (Executive Producer)
11) Stan Lee (Thanks)
12) Avi Arad (Executive Producer)
13) Kevin Feige (Associate Producer)
14) Michael Kamen (Original Music Composer)
15) Michael Kamen (Conductor)
16) Heather Burton (Stunts)
17) Craig Berkey (Sound Designer)
18) John Wright (Editor)
19) Bryan Singer (Director)
20) Bryan Singer (Story)
21) Newton Thomas Sigel (Director of Photography)
22) Louise Mingenbach (Costume Design)
23) Conrad E. Palmisano (Second Unit Director)
24) Tim Monich (Dialect Coach)
25) Greg Papalia (Art Direction)
26) Kevin Stitt (Editor)
27) John Myhre (Production Design)
28) Jack Kirby (Thanks)
29) Tom DeSanto (Executive Producer)
30) Tom DeSanto (Story)
31) Tamara Deverell (Art Direction)
32) James Edward Ferrell Jr. (Set Decoration)
33) Corey Yuen (Action Director)
34) Paul D. Austerberry (Art Direction)
35) Bill Todman Jr. (Co-Producer)
36) Joel Simon (Co-Producer)
37) R.J. Kizer (Supervising ADR Editor)
38) David Betancourt (Foley Mixer)
39) Dawn Lunsford (Foley Artist)
40) David Hayter (Screenplay)
41) Todd Busch (Additional Editing)
42) Troy Brenna (Stunt Double)
43) Lloyd Adams (Stunts)
44) Gary Archer (Prosthetics)
45) Steve Burg (Concept Artist)
46) Colin Chilvers (Special Effects Coordinator)
47) John Coven (Storyboard Artist)
48) Ross T. Fanger (Unit Production Manager)
49) Mary Andrews (ADR Editor)
50) Rich Thorne (Production Executive)
51) Patrick Rousseau (Sound Recordist)
52) Kenny Myers (Makeup Department Head)
53) Whitney Brown (Production Manager)
54) Mandy Sherman (Casting Assistant)
55) Anthony G. Nakonechnyj (Gaffer)
56) Daryl C. Lefever (Production Accountant)
57) Aeschylus Poulos (Art Department Coordinator)
58) Heath Banks (Assistant Production Coordinator)
59) David Bernstein (Colorist)
60) Ann Brodie (Makeup Artist)
61) Jay Du Boisson (Costume Supervisor)
62) Klemens Becker (Steadicam Operator)
63) Christopher Geggie (Property Master)
64) Denis Bellingham (Boom Operator)
65) Tony Kenny (Special Effects Supervisor)
66) Andy Nelson (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
67) Daryl B. Kell (Supervising Music Editor)
68) Michelle Eisenreich (Visual Effects Production Assistant)
69) Thomas Carnegie (Set Designer)
70) Susan Dawes (Dialogue Editor)
71) Craig Barron (Visual Effects Supervisor)
72) Rick Forsayeth (Stunt Coordinator)
73) John A. Larsen (Supervising Sound Editor)
74) Chris Howard (Gaffer)
75) Steven J. Winslow (Camera Technician)
76) John T. Van Vliet (Animation Supervisor)
77) Anna Behlmer (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
78) Kristopher Kasper (Visual Effects Assistant Editor)
79) Richard Burton (Sound Effects Editor)
80) Cynthia E. Thornton (Associate Editor)
81) Curtis Roush (Music Editor)
82) Denise Davis (Visual Effects Producer)
83) Craig Heath (Sound Recordist)
84) James Bolt (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
85) David Altenau (CGI Supervisor)
86) David Prescott (CG Supervisor)
87) Joe Everett (Unit Publicist)
88) Chris Moone (Camera Trainee)
89) Robert Tenaglia (Transportation Coordinator)
90) Laurel Bresnahan (Studio Teachers)
91) Derek Casari (ADR Engineer)
92) Melissa Brockman (Digital Effects Producer)
93) J. Tracy Budd (Lead Set Dresser)
94) Skip Longfellow (Sound Assistant)
95) Attila Dory (Still Photographer)
96) Kevin Lingenfelser (Digital Effects Supervisor)
97) Rando Schmook (Assistant Art Director)
98) Jennifer Bower O'Halloran (Key Hair Stylist)
99) Elizabeth Boykewich (Casting Associate)
100) Blanche McDermaid (Script Supervisor)
101) Randy Goux (Lead Animator)
102) Christopher Brooks (Music Consultant)
103) Alyssa Fong (Visual Effects)
104) Robert Elhai (Orchestrator)
105) John Mariella (Animation Director)
106) Lee Cleary (First Assistant Director)
107) Thomas Clary (Visual Effects Coordinator)
108) Janine Anderton (Production Coordinator)
109) Fred Fein (Stand In)
110) David Lee (Sound Mixer)
111) Nick Hsieh (2D Artist)
112) James Marbas (Production Supervisor)
113) Charlie Davis (Post Production Supervisor)
114) Karen Klein (Rotoscoping Artist)
115) Nick Veziris (Gun Wrangler)
116) Greg Haddow (Best Boy Electric)
117) Gordon J. Smith (Makeup Designer)
118) Robert Dawson (Title Designer)
119) Cathy Crandall (Assistant Costume Designer)
120) Douglas Aiken (Digital Compositors)
121) Bill Harman (Construction Coordinator)
122) Graham Macpherson (Propmaker)
123) Ian Nelmes (Key Scenic Artist)
124) Dale Caldwell (Color Timer)
125) Yuichiro Yamashita (CG Animator)
126) Mike Currie (Set Production Assistant)
127) Maureen 'Mo' Crutchfield (Accountant)
128) Ted Andre (Visual Effects Compositor)
129) Ben Farris (Systems Administrators & Support)
130) Gary Burritt (Negative Cutter)
131) Kieran Woo (Production Controller)
132) Murat Akser (Production Assistant)
133) Henry Jesiak (Assistant Property Master)
134) Chris Weiss (Camera Loader)
135) Mark Manchester (Key Grip)
136) Inge Klaudi (Makeup Artist)
137) Ron Forward (Dolly Grip)
138) Ron McKenzie (Location Assistant)
139) Byron A. Martin (Location Manager)
140) Mitchell Dean (Utility Stunts)
141) Stephen McLaughlin (Scoring Mixer)
142) Stephen McLaughlin (Music Producer)
143) Brad Crosbie (Second Assistant Camera)
144) Russel Bowie (First Assistant Camera)
145) Jonathan Egstad (Compositing Supervisor)
146) Patricia Medina (Hairstylist)
147) Matthew Edelman (Associate Producer)
148) Scott Nimerfro (Associate Producer)
149) Sean Kirby (Greensman)
150) John Hutchinson (Location Scout)
151) Henry Ranger (Painter)
152) Adam Brockbank (Production Illustrator)
153) Sheri O'Rourke (Set Decoration Buyer)
154) Rocky Brown (Grip)
155) Patricia Hanley Cumming (Key Set Costumer)
156) Brian Beck (Set Dressing Artist)
157) Tom Lawson (Carpenter)
158) Danielle Greavette (Craft Service)
159) Charles 'Aloha Boy' Reed (Driver)
160) Chris Dowell (Post Production Assistant)
161) Sarah Freudeman (Production Office Assistant)
162) Rob Boulet (Scenic Artist)
163) Marcus Paletta (Security)
164) Pierre Cadieux (Telecine Colorist)
165) Frank Tenaglia (Transportation Captain)
166) Tommy Dorsett (Visual Effects Editor)
167) Barbara Dunning (First Assistant Editor)
168) Michael Anderson (Electrician)
169) Barry Goodwin (Rigging Gaffer)
170) C.D. Champion (Rigging Grip)
171) Jonah Brennan (Visual Effects)
172) Shannon Carey (Assistant Editor)
173) Monica Fedrick (Graphic Designer)
174) Jeffery A. Williams (Technical Advisor)
175) John Irwin (Generator Operator)
176) Mike Kavanagh (Special Effects Technician)
177) Aric Dupere (Extras Casting Assistant)
178) Greg Beale (Second Assistant Art Director)
179) Bryn Caron (Third Assistant Director)
180) Anne Richardson (Researcher)
181) Scott Ross (General Manager)
182) Attila Luca (Assistant Camera)
183) Kathy Liska (Executive Assistant)
184) Edward Gould (Costumer)
185) Anita Simard (Set Costumer)
186) Stephen J. Morrison (Second Second Assistant Director)
187) Brian N. Murray (Head Carpenter)
188) Ronny Cox (ADR Mixer)
189) Terry Brown (ADR Recordist)
190) S. 'Kiki' Chansamone (VFX Artist)
191) Sean Nowlan (Data Wrangler)
192) Tarah Burke (Wardrobe Assistant)
193) Michael Toll (Dailies Technician)
194) Sara Burton (Assistant Location Manager)
195) C. Louis Braid (Location Production Assistant)
196) Tim Sauder (Key Rigging Grip)
197) Basil Person (Production Secretary)
198) Robert Reece (Stunts)
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