Antitanachalar / Omon qolish bo'yicha mutaxassis

Watch "Antitanachalar / Omon qolish bo'yicha mutaxassis" Movie Online for Free

Online in Uzbek
1 Hour. 31 min.
  • Movie Title: Antitanachalar / Omon qolish bo'yicha mutaxassis
  • Released: 17.08.2022
  • Quality: SD
  • Dubbing: Professional (PRO)

Movie Description
Antitanachalar / Antitana / Antitela / Omon qolish bo'yicha mutaxassis Через полтора года после краха цивилизации из-за вспышки вируса бывший агент ФБР вынужден защищать девушку с иммунитетом к болезни от опасного главаря банды, охотящегося за ней.

Roles of actors:
1) Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Ben)
2) John Malkovich (Aaron Ramsey)
3) Ruby Modine (Sarah)
4) Jenna Leigh Green (Marley)
5) Julian Sands (Heath)
6) Lori Petty (Radio Operator (voice))
7) Thaddeus Street (Matthew Ramirez)
8) Jonny Orsini (Owen)
9) Charlie Sara (Doctor)
10) Simon Phillips (Danny)

People who worked on the film:
1) Jon Keeyes (Director)
2) Jon Keeyes (Producer)
3) Jordan Yale Levine (Producer)
4) Ian Niles (Executive Producer)
5) Richard Switzer (Executive Producer)
6) Jordan Beckerman (Producer)
7) Michael J. Rothstein (Executive Producer)
8) Matthew Rogers (Screenplay)
9) Roman Kopelevich (Executive Producer)