Watch "Yovuz Murda" Movie Online for Free
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- Movie Title: Yovuz Murda
- Released: 11.09.2022
- Quality: HD
- Dubbing: Professional (PRO)
Movie Description
Bosh qahramon singlisini giyohvandlikdan xalos bo‘lishga yordam berish maqsadida o‘rmon uyiga olib boradi. Bir marta "dopingsiz" qiz tom ma'noda aqldan ozadi, bu uning nima uchun bunday yo'l tutayotganini aniqlashning iloji yo'q: buzilganligi sababli yoki "O'liklar kitobi" aholisining faoliyati tufayli. Ayniqsa, uning do'stlaridan biri aynan shu kitobdan parchani ovoz chiqarib o'qiganidan keyin.
Главный герой отвозит свою младшую сестру в лесной домик для того, чтобы помочь ей избавиться от наркотической зависимости. Оказавшись без «дури», девушка буквально сходит с ума, из-за чего становится невозможно определить, почему она ведет себя именно так: из-за ломки или же благодаря деятельности обитателей «Книги мертвых». Особенно после того, как один из ее приятелей прочел вслух отрывок из этой самой книги.
Roles of actors:
1) Jane Levy (Mia Allen)
2) Shiloh Fernandez (David Allen)
3) Lou Taylor Pucci (Eric)
4) Jessica Lucas (Olivia)
5) Elizabeth Blackmore (Natalie)
6) Phoenix Connolly (Teenager)
7) Jim McLarty (Harold)
8) Sian Davis (Old Woman)
9) Stephen Butterworth (Toothless Redneck)
10) Karl Willetts (Long-Haired Redneck)
11) Randal Wilson (Abomination Mia)
12) Rupert Degas (Demon (voice))
13) Bob Dorian (Professor Knowby (voice))
14) Ellen Sandweiss (Cheryl (voice))
15) Jack Walley (Billy Bob (uncredited))
16) Bruce Campbell (Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams (uncredited))
People who worked on the film:
1) Sam Raimi (Producer)
2) Sam Raimi (Story)
3) Bruce Campbell (Producer)
4) Robert Tapert (Producer)
5) Robert Gillies (Production Design)
6) Roque Baños (Original Music Composer)
7) Joseph Drake (Executive Producer)
8) Nathan Kahane (Executive Producer)
9) J.R. Young (Executive Producer)
10) Faith Martin (Casting)
11) Peter Schlessel (Executive Producer)
12) Matthew F. Leonetti Jr. (Co-Producer)
13) Stuart Provine (Sound Designer)
14) Wade Hannett (Scenic Artist)
15) Allan Poppleton (Stunt Coordinator)
16) Pedro Luque (Additional Photography)
17) Stephen Hunter Flick (Sound Designer)
18) Fede Álvarez (Screenplay)
19) Fede Álvarez (Director)
20) Mandy Sherman (Casting)
21) Sari Knight (Casting)
22) Sally Campbell (Producer)
23) Rodo Sayagues (Screenplay)
24) Aaron Morton (Director of Photography)
25) Bryan Shaw (Editor)
26) Sarah Voon (Costume Design)
27) Trevor Gates (Sound Effects Editor)
28) Chris Diebold (Sound Effects Editor)
29) Jonathan Miller (Supervising Sound Editor)
30) Angela Hemingway (Dialogue Editor)
31) Steven Iba (Sound Effects Editor)
32) Jonathan Wales (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
33) Matt Cornelius (Property Master)
34) Kirsty Griffin (Still Photographer)
35) C.J. Goldman (Makeup Effects)
36) Maarten Hofmeijer (Music Editor)
37) Carol Petrie (Visual Effects Producer)
38) George Ritchie (Visual Effects Supervisor)
39) Claire Rutledge (Hairstylist)
40) Diana Goulding (Unit Publicist)
41) Vinnie Smith (Makeup Artist)
42) Vinnie Smith (Hairstylist)
43) Suzy Lee (Makeup Artist)
44) Roger Murray (Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects)
45) Rachael Cooper (Art Department Coordinator)
46) Alistair Gillies (Set Designer)
47) Leah Putlek (Sound Effects Editor)
48) Shane Dawson (Stunt Coordinator)
49) Andrew McGeorge (Camera Operator)
50) Aria Harrison (Script Supervisor)
51) Harry Harrison (Location Manager)
52) Ray 'Chazz' Edwards (Camera Technician)
53) Genevieve Aitken (Stunts)
54) Crystal Vickers (Stunts)
55) Gareth Courtney (Stunts)
56) Gemma Weston (Stunts)
57) Ryan Carey (Stunts)
58) Blair Ihaka (Camera Technician)
59) Jonny Yarrell (Camera Technician)
60) Thomas Easden (Stand In)
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